Michael J. Arend – Author

Believe you can, and you will!

Have you ever had the notion that there is something greater than yourself? Something that exists and that you are part of, but yet, you just can’t put your finger on it?
That’s what this book is all about, except, you are about to find out that greater something is you, and your current drama and relationships in your life are necessary in order to allow you to learn and become interwoven with others. It’s like you are the star in your own movie, but you are also an extra in everyone else’s at the same time!
Unlike other books of this genre, this book will not only entertain you with it’s page turning action and adventure scenes, but will present a picture of human existence – that we are all part of the whole, that we choose the details of our existence and our purpose is to allow the process to unfold and learn about ourselves as part of one great, creating energy.
Life is about relationships and the message contained within this book will help you nurture and respect every single relationship you are involved in, especially the most important one. The relationship you have with yourself.
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading both books and realized that the characters that we meet in the first book also appear again in the second book, but as different people! I can’t wait to see where the characters will be in the next book!”
“Mike brings an interesting perspective and a creative way of presenting things – through a story, rather than a “self-help” or “guidance” book approach. Definitely left me thinking about some things and looking forward to the last book in the trilogy!”

The title of this book makes a very large claim, and yes, I truly do believe you are “The One.” Although this book is a work of fiction, the sections that involve discussion around spirituality ring very true within my soul. For that reason, and for me, they stand true, but inevitably they are open to everyone’s unique perception and interpretation.
Writing this book has brought me closer to my self-awareness of who I truly am. My desire was to mix spirituality with adventure to firstly, make it entertaining enough for you to keep reading, and secondly, so perhaps you may also discover your own version of self-awareness. May you find the same energy, wisdom, and peace that I have while writing it, as you read.
Michael Arend

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